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  • #1074
    Seth Morris

    An argumentative essay is a form of writing that asks students to examine a topic and gather, analyze, and evaluate evidence. They also need to establish a position on the topic using a concise style. Before starting to write, find argumentative research paper topics and choose more appropriate.
    Note: There may be some confusion between the argumentative and expository essays. While these two genres may be similar, the argumentative essays differ from the expository essays in terms of the amount and depth of research required. The argumentative essay is often used as a capstone project in writing classes or advanced composition courses. It requires extensive, detailed research. Expository essays are shorter and require less research. Expository essays are used often for writing exercises or tests in-class, such as GED and GRE.
    Maybe it helps to think of an essay as a conversation with a classmate. If I were to discuss World War II and the current impact on those who lived through it, there would be a beginning and middle to the conversation. In fact, I would end the argument at the middle of my second point to raise questions regarding the current effects on those who have lived through the conflict. Argumentative essays must be clear and coherent, so that there is no question about the intent of the essay.
    Five paragraphs is a common approach to writing argumentative essays. Although this is the most common way to write argumentative essays, it’s not the only one. If this sounds easy, it’s because it is. It consists of an introductory paragraph, three evidentiary paragraphs with discussion of opposing views, and a conclusion.
    Complex issues and complex research require detailed and complicated essays. Argumentative essays that use multiple research sources or empirical data will be more than five paragraphs. Before the essay is concluded, the author may need to discuss context, information sources, credibility, and a variety of opinions. The assignment will decide many of these aspects.
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    • Este debate fue modificado hace 2 años, 2 meses por Seth Morris.
    • Este debate fue modificado hace 2 años, 2 meses por Seth Morris.
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